Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lean Into It!

The Rule: Comfort Breeds Success

The 6am alarm came crashing into my sleepy, warm bedroom and startled me from a deep dream. Darkness engulfed the room and the sun still way below the horizon. I checked the surf report, 2-3 feet poor + conditions. Doesn't look good.

It's pushing through the thick stillness of a morning that makes waking up very hard. I am the only thing breathing on two legs at that hour; I am all alone.

Then I step outside and compete with the bitter cold. From where I parked my car, I walk the 10 minute barefoot hike, navigating shards of glass, oily parking lots, and sand as cold as snow snow.

But as I paddle out, I catch a few fun waves, and a behold a gorgeous sunrise that never fails to catch my breath as it peeks above the Huntington Beach Hilton Tower and glimmers on the smooth watery surface. I have no regrets.

I say all this to remind myself that in order to be better at something, I have to push through the discomfort and not wait until the timing is right. I can't write when inspiration strikes. I even have to write when there are distractions. Of course every artist has heard this, yet we never do this, because our bodies are weak and we would much rather give into the flesh than the spirit.

If we don't lean into discomfort than we will stay where we are at. I for one want to be uncomfortable with my creativity and tread in discomfort; maybe that would create a stir in my creativity.

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