Friday, March 27, 2009

Good Enough is Good Enough

The Rule: We must be the best.

In the course of history, there have been many great writers, teachers, parents, painters, leaders, surfers, fishermen, entrepreneurs and whatever other role you consider yourself to be a part of. Do you really think you have what it takes to be the best? If you do, you may be driving yourself mad.

An oak tree doesn't look to see if he is the tallest in a grove, a flower doesn't look at its grandparents to see if it should radiate brighter colors. There are not legacies in the natural world; there are no desires for immortality, it's just life plain and simple.

We are but embers in space showing off our glow, but some of us want our glow to be so intense that it travels millions of light years, visiting numerous inhabited planets with billions of eyes on the surface marveling skyward. That is what it means to be immortal, to mimic the stars themselves. However, for as many stars we can see in the sky, there are millions more that we cannot.

But we try to be the brightest so our life can can transcend this mortal state, so it doesn't fade as our light travels in the deep space of time. But we must embrace what God said, "Life is but a fading morning mist." Meaning, its pretty insignificant. Because even the brightest stars in the sky are too numerous to count, and the whole is far more inspiring than the part.

What we contribute in this life is but a part. It is a single star that catches a Summer camper's imagination, a tree that shades a weary traveler, a flower given to a sick mother. Good enough is good enough. Because I think our "Good Enough" is all that God needs to light the world with his glory.

And you may say, I am not good enough. But I challenge you to look in your heart and ask, if your good enough is the best.

I feel that if we are struggling, we are trying for the best, and that's just disappointing.

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