Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Cramp In My Marathon

The Rule: I never tire from hearing my voice.

I am a quiet guy, because I feel I don't have much to say, and when I do have much to say I am brief. Though the temptation to say something for the sake of saying something creeps in now and then, I, for the most part, remain silent. Now if I have to say something and its a lot, I get tired of hearing myself.

For the past month I have been hearing myself on written paper, and frankly I am tired of it. Now the question arises, will my readers tire of my words faster than I have? Will they hear something original as they read on past page 10? I am lost in my thoughts and words. I need someone outside of me to speak into my writing. I don't even know if I am digging in the right grave, plowing the right field, mowing the right lawn. All I am doing is writing what I know.

Writing a narrative is hard work. Turing that narrative into a novel is brutal. It is a mental marathon, where exhaustion lies deeper than the muscles and lungs, but it is of the spirit and mind, and it lasts longer than a few hours, but days, weeks and months. Other successful authors, I guess are the electrolights for the marathon writer. We read their styles and tune our own. I have my style. I found it through the many words written on many pages, but is it enjoyable and bearable to the reader? I don't know. People comment on how well I write, but in the midst of this grueling marathon, I wonder if I am sustaining the quality of my writing.

Well, I'm going back to work with JK Rowling and Bryce Courtnay by my side and with the simple prayer, “Let it be beautiful, God” on my lips.

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