Friday, April 3, 2009

Write Away from your Desk

The rule: Writers write alone.

As I struggle to think of new things to write about on my blog on a daily basis, I think how can I get new thoughts, new ideas new ways of looking at things. I can tell you this, it doesn't happen beyond the keyboard, with pen and pencil. It happens by laughing, and crying at the world and what the world throws at me. It is by stepping out into the open catching the sunrise on the pier when normally one hates mornings, or diving into jazz clubs when one only listens to death meddle. Going to night clubs when a good books is all you need to cure one's loneliness and maybe see some romance.

These are things we need to do to create an imaginative world. We stock our imagination with what is outside of our lives that yearn to be explored. Where would Hemingway be if not for his adventures in Africa and Spain? Where would Cervantes be if not for his military history? Mark Twain without traveling abroad and being a riverboat captain?

Many of the greatest writers live their lives boldly, breaking free from their writing studios and treading in different territories.

So let's write down our stories before we even sit down to our keyboard and see what comes out in the open air.

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