Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunrises, Rain and Rainbows

The Rule: Expect to surf when surfing.

A huge fallacy is to think that what you are after is what you will get. Everyday we pursue something in order to obtain a desirable result, but what happens if that result isn't fulfilled? You have two options: be pissed or accept it and see something good.

This morning in my groggy fog I woke up hoping to catch at least 4 good waves, but in return I was given slow moving, softly crumbling waves that couldn't even propel Michel Phepls, the most streamlined man in the world. Twenty minutes into the surf session looking south-west a bright bold rainbow appeared. It grew longer and longer with its vibrant colors standing out. Eventually it stretched from the northern tip of Catalina to the homes over looking Dog Beach and its reflection wiggling in the water from the horizon to the nose of my board. Soon another rainbow appeared, but failed in splendor in comparison to its brethren. Later, a downpour came and splattered all of us as it diminished the rainbow's glow. To the south a sunset was breaking free from the scattered clouds and it shined on us as we waded in a stormy shadow.

It was a beautiful experience being out in the water. Though I expected to catch waves, I caught nature's beauty. "It was a great surf sesh."

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