Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Rule of Emotions

The Rule: Whatever your emotion says, do.

I am constantly fighting off this rule that everyone leans on too much. I am too strong of a feeler and this gets me in trouble. I have seen this in my writing. I will write as the inspiration comes. Unfortunately, inspiration comes only as often as my dad ever calls me to go dinner. It's a rare occurrence. As I write this, the emotions to write that I had yesterday have faded into a quiet hush. But I must continue on. I must write, not for the enjoyment, but the strict development of a skill, for I am a master of non, and I long to be a master of something one day. If emotions don't lead me, than I'll be great one day.

Arguments always toy with my emotions like a yo-yo master. I can come into an argument with a positive emotional plan filled with facts and a plan of a attack, but when someone brings an emotion into the argument, such as sadness, anger or even joy, my heart transforms into what is being expressed by that person. I cannot get what I want, because I let my emotions tell me otherwise.

I am not that great of a surfer as well and we can blame that emotional gene of mine. When the nights are long and cold, and the next morning surf session seems like a miserable prospect, I choose not to go out, all because I don't feel like it.

An emotional prisoner is only as determined as a feather in a blizzard. The rule I am trying to destroy at this moment in my life is not always listen to those emotions.

But then again, we need this emotion for other things such as enjoying a sunrise over an Orange County landscape, a kiss from your significant other, or it offers protection as it trumpets with terror the predator outside or even that giant wave I have no business riding that is coming my way.

Emotions are neither evil, nor good. They are just there. It is too tiring to figure it out and follow it in life.

Feather in a snowstorm.

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