After writing 190 pages of my novel Tommyknockers, I am pleased and at peace about starting completely over and scrapping the entire draft and turn it into something different. I will keep some key elements of the original, but for the most part the story is a gonner. I am even more excited about this story, and how the characters are going to play in it. It's tighter, more fun and I believe has great potential in character development
This is what my book will have that the other story I just wrote lacked:
1. A deeper sense of childlike wonder and whimsy in language and plot. The other story's tone was flat.
2. A character overcoming inadequacies; whereas before he just overcame external forces.
3. More magic and mystery. The magic and mystery felt forced in the other story, in this one it feels natural and a part of the environment.
4. More adventure and exploring
5. Instead of one race of creatures, there are multiple races all living in a diverse and very active landscape.
6. I wanted to keep some characters but didn't know how to do so in the original story. Now, with the change in plot, I am able to keep the characters I love, discard the ones I don't and create new, fun ones as well.
It' s going to be a good ride. If I have to toss this story to make an even better one- so be it. After all, I write for my enjoyment first, then I write for others.